The Resolution Center offers a wide range of alternative dispute resolution services. The center also provides our communities with educational outreach and public awareness on various topics of alternative dispute resolution.
Mediation is a method of problem solving that enables people to share their perspective, explain what is important, and explore options with the assistance of a trained mediator. This is accomplished by having the parties:
- Focus the discussion on key issues that need to be solved.
- Identify what is important.
- Be flexible in creating options.
- Decide if a solution is workable and take ownership of the outcome.
The role of a facilitator is to provide structure to a dialogue and ensure that all parties have a voice. The Resolution Center is available to facilitate organizational and community meetings, and we provide facilitation services to Probation and the Courts for child welfare cases.
Education & Training Services
The Resolution Center offers workshops, presentations, and classes on a variety of alternative dispute resolution topics. Topics can range from general information to a program specifically tailored for your organization or group. We also provide a Level 1 Parent Education class that uses the Nebraska Extension's Co-parenting for Successful Kids curriculum.